Office Vs. Remote – The future of work in a post-Covid world

IT News

The ongoing Covid-19 healthcare crisis has disrupted the majority of market sectors and labour forces around the world, drastically transforming our daily lives and shifting the way we work.

As the global pandemic forced an abrupt transition to working from home for millions of employees, it’s only fair that many are wondering if this is really the end of the corporate office.

With advanced IT tools, networks and infrastructure making work from home possible, remote work capabilities have certainly played a key role in minimizing the pandemic’s overall impact.

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How to optimize your contact page for better conversions?

IT News

Your web app is live. You've got a well-thought-out traffic generation strategy in place, which you've spent time and thought on. So why is your conversion rate not up to your expectations? An obvious lever for improving your conversion rate is the contact form. The contact form is an element that needs a lot of care, attention and optimization to make it easy for your visitors to get in touch with you.

This article aims to give you some actionable advice for improving your contact form.

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UX and SEO tips for a successful navigation menu

IT News

When designing your website’s navigation, you need to consider many aspects: graphic charter, tree structure, functionalities... and the navigation menu. The navigation menu is of critical importance – and tends to be one of the most overlooked and underestimated. When designed well, a navigation menu can have a major positive impact on your natural referencing as well as your conversions.

This article will attempt to provide you with some wise and effective advice for providing your visitors with optimal navigation. Let's start by breaking down some of the most common menu structures.

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Belgium: A Rising IT Development Hub in the Heart of Europe

IT News

Over the last several years, the center of Europe has established itself as a technology hub to be reckoned with.

When people think of Belgium, a wide range of associations and images spring to mind: ‘Europe’ tends to be a major one, and so do beer and moules-frites – the Belgian nation’s favorite delicacy.

However, the multicultural center of Europe has also been quietly building a reputation for something more than just politics and food: innovation.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look at some of the exciting developments that have shaped Belgium into a rising technology hub in the heart of Europe – and why Bocasay has chosen it as the newest location to establish one of our development centers.

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Why Do Some Websites Fail?

IT News

With the emergence of smartphones and the use of app technology as a common standard of everyday life, many websites are becoming obsolete.

At the same time, as more and more businesses go digital, online competition is fierce, and startups or companies with limited budgets or development resources can be tempted to cut corners with their websites.

In order to understand the flaws of websites – and how to avoid them – let’s take a closer look at some crucial points that can lead to the ultimate success or failure of your website.

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AI in Mobile Apps: Latest Trends

IT News

At its most basic, Artificial Intelligence [AI] uses computer systems to simulate human intelligence in order to perform a range of tasks which would otherwise be performed by people.

Digital devices using AI tools are able to perceive their environments, analyze and collect data.  They can also take actions that optimize task processes and facilitate goal achievement.


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How to Know your Development Team has the Right Skills and Mindset

IT News

Creating an app, website or any kind of sophisticated software requires a great amount of research and consideration.

Many startups make the mistake of hiring the lowest bidder to do the job without much consideration - and then find themselves in a difficult position.

Before seriously investing your time and money you need to be sure you have the right team to support you.

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Web applications: how to properly design your home page?

IT News

What elements should you use when designing your home page? What objectives should your home page meet? And where should you place the key concerns of your target users?

The home page of a web app is the first showcase of the website - it will set the tone and create the impression of the website and business as a whole. For that reason, home pages are of paramount importance to the designers, project managers and business leaders tasked with creating them.

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Web application design: the impact of colors

IT News

Through the intelligent use of colors, it’s possible to communicate specific and considered ideas to your target audience. The study of colors is therefore an important issue to consider when designing your website or web application. Each color has its own impact and addresses a different part of our emotions. Let's discover what colors convey together in this article.

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