Top 10 Inspiring NFT Trends

IT News

From finance, art, gaming and investing, NFTs are here and have managed to disrupt a wide range of industries. Until recently, NFTs were only buzzwords used by cryptocurrency experts. While we are certainly used to our digital world being disrupted by new technologies, 2021 was the year NFTs became mainstream by demonstrating endless potential for online businesses.

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How the Metaverse will transform E-Commerce

IT News

In 2021, with Facebook officially rebranding as ‘Meta on the 28th of October, the Internet exploded with speculation and opinions on what it all means for our increasingly digital future.  Currently, there are more than 160 companies, with some of the world’s tech-giants included, that have already started building and developing what will eventually be called the Metaverse.

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Top 5 E-Health Trends for 2022

IT News

E-health is a buzzword used to describe the use of the latest digital technology in order to provide smart healthcare solutions that can transform and optimize traditional medical practices.

Cloud computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), as well as the Internet Of Medical Things (IoMT), have all contributed to creating more efficient patient treatment management methods.

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What are the upcoming technology trends for 2022?

IT News

The Covid-19 pandemic will continue to impact our lives in many ways in 2022. Most notably, it will affect the labor market around the world. However, it has also led to substantial transformations in the field of technology as it becomes more and more present in our lives. Especially since the last two years have proven that flexibility and adaptability to the environment are paramount in a world that changes overnight.

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How AI is transforming e-commerce?

IT News

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a buzzword for a while now, with its potential to transform entire industries often being depicted in near-mythic terms.

However, regardless of the hype, AI is undoubtedly a powerful technological development. AI-related technologies and processes such as machine learning and deep learning have been used to realize vastly different goals and achievements that were previously considered impossible.

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What types of cyberattacks exist?

IT News

With the internet and artificial intelligence in full swing, our entire daily life is computerized. Smartphones, connected watches, applications, everything pushes us towards a digital transformation, and this is true for all generations! Digital devices today are a comfort that we would find hard to do without. But precisely, with all our information gathered in this kind of dematerialized "magic" that is the Internet, how can we know if it is safe? How can we be sure that our precious data, which cannot be touched, felt , or even really seen, will not be stolen? What are cyber attacks and how do they work?

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What is the Metaverse, what are we talking about?

IT News

The metaverse comes from the word meta which means "beyond" and verse which represents "the universe". In other words, beyond the universe. In simple terms, the metaverse is a virtual universe. Guided by social networks, which are applications created to develop and maintain our social connections through interfaces on the Internet, the metaverse would be the extension, the evolution even, of the social networks we know today.

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What is cybersecurity and why is it essential?

IT News

This new article on cyber security aims to help you understand the concept of cyber security and all that it encompasses. We will also explain how to deal with a cyber attack.

The concept of cyber security encompasses everything that has to do with the protection of digital data that is stored or being exchanged. Cyber security is responsible for protecting this data against cyber threats and perpetrators.

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How AI Is Transforming the Music Industry

IT News

New developments in neural networks and machine learning are changing the future of music.

As technology advances, we’re seeing breakthrough developments that go on to impact everyday life with greater frequency.

Everyday activities like how we shop, manage our money and communicate with each other are being affected by major technological shifts - and entertainment is no different.

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5 Reasons why encryption is essential for your business

IT News

Encryption is a method of transforming sensitive digital data into an unreadable state or form, ensuring that access remains limited only to those with the correct decryption key, or password.

In today’s data-driven world, as businesses store and manage critical data assets in the online cloud, digital security measures like encryption can protect company data from cybercriminals.

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