UX and SEO tips for a successful navigation menu

IT News

When designing your website’s navigation, you need to consider many aspects: graphic charter, tree structure, functionalities... and the navigation menu. The navigation menu is of critical importance – and tends to be one of the most overlooked and underestimated. When designed well, a navigation menu can have a major positive impact on your natural referencing as well as your conversions.

This article will attempt to provide you with some wise and effective advice for providing your visitors with optimal navigation. Let's start by breaking down some of the most common menu structures.

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Why Do Some Websites Fail?

IT News

With the emergence of smartphones and the use of app technology as a common standard of everyday life, many websites are becoming obsolete.

At the same time, as more and more businesses go digital, online competition is fierce, and startups or companies with limited budgets or development resources can be tempted to cut corners with their websites.

In order to understand the flaws of websites – and how to avoid them – let’s take a closer look at some crucial points that can lead to the ultimate success or failure of your website.

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Web applications: how to properly design your home page?

IT News

What elements should you use when designing your home page? What objectives should your home page meet? And where should you place the key concerns of your target users?

The home page of a web app is the first showcase of the website - it will set the tone and create the impression of the website and business as a whole. For that reason, home pages are of paramount importance to the designers, project managers and business leaders tasked with creating them.

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Web application design: the impact of colors

IT News

Through the intelligent use of colors, it’s possible to communicate specific and considered ideas to your target audience. The study of colors is therefore an important issue to consider when designing your website or web application. Each color has its own impact and addresses a different part of our emotions. Let's discover what colors convey together in this article.

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Best practices in web design for creating an impactful website

IT News

Your mission is to create a website. It might be for your own business, or for a customer. Before you start, you’ll probably be wondering if there is a list of best practices to follow in order to successfully put together a website that’s worthy of the name. This article will give provide you with some answers and food for thought to get you to your goal.


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Functional subdivision: how to segment your web project?

IT News

Functional project subdivision is one of the baseline conditions for the success of a project. Providing a real roadmap for your project – and much more –subdivision will allow you to involve all available business expertise more effectively and to control your IT project over its entire duration.

The purpose of functional subdivision of a web, mobile or software project is to properly plan production, or more specifically – the development phases.

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Software projects: everything you need to know about the expression of requirements

IT News

How do you go about properly defining your expression of requirements in the context of an IT development project? What should your expression of need contain, and how to structure it? An expression of requirements describes only what is expected – it doesn’t give indications on how to achieve or actually realize the software tool.

A good expression of requirements will play a big role in the success of a project. Many contractors fail – due to a lack of experience, support, knowledge or even ambition – to properly define an expression of requirements.

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Changing Online Consumer Behavior: Key Trends

IT News

The world is changing, and so is how people buy, spend and engage with brands online.

E-commerce and online shopping have continued to grow exponentially and become one of the main ways people access the goods and services they need and desire. At the same time, online consumer trends are shaping companies’ broader strategies and brand identities to a greater degree than ever before.

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Digital Health: How is technology helping individuals maintain their health from home?

IT News

A new wave of innovative technology and digital solutions are giving way to a future where remote healthcare is a standard practice.

With the development of online capabilities and services, e-health has been on the rise for over a decade. Since Covid-19, however, digital health has become critical - and brought to center stage - in an environment that is increasingly reliant on remote services.

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