How to choose the right technologies for developing your mobile app?

Updated IT News

What to focus on when choosing the technologies for your future mobile application? The user need that your application is addressing should be the starting point of your decision. So with that in mind, what technologies will be best suited for developing your application? And at what cost?

Before presenting or offering you the various different technologies that can be used to develop a mobile application, it will be more helpful if we first highlight some avenues for reflection that you should consider in the planning stages of your project. This will better equip you for making the choice of technologies that will allow for the optimum realization of your mobile project.

We choose mobile technologies that make sense when considering the business needs of the mobile application.

To begin with, it is imperative to keep in mind that making the right choice of one technology over another will be strongly linked to the business need that your application is intended to meet.

The technology you opt for should be the one that can best adapt to the business needs of your future mobile application.

Where will you be present? Do you need an iOS, Android, Web application, or all three?

As you may already know, native technologies such as iOS and Android are not cross-platform. This means that you need to invest in both iOS and Android platforms in order to allow your application be usable by end users on both platforms. This choice tends to be the most expensive. But is it really necessary for the needs your application is addressing? This is an important question to ask.

Finally, there is also the option of hybrid technologies such as ReactNative or Flutter, which are less expensive and multi-platform, or even Ionic and Cordova, which allow coding on the web, even if the latter may be less efficient than a native language.

Finally, it is also very important that you reflect on the following areas before choosing your mobile technologies:

  • What performance levels do you need?
  • Do you need to mix technologies?
  • What is your application’s planned life expectancy?

And once again, keep in mind that the choice of technology should always be made according to the needs of your end users.

Major technologies for mobile development

Native technologies Hybrid technologies Web app technologies
Your native application is developed specifically for one operating system: iOS or Android, or both. The application’s reaction time is very efficient and unmatched compared to other options, such as hybrids and web apps.

Your hybrid app is contained in a native app, but it works like a web app. Your mobile app is developed responsively. It will work well on both mobile and desktop. The mobile app will be accessible directly from a web browser.
Swift (iOS)
Kotlin (Androïd)
Cordova React Native
Most expensive development cost. Less expensive than a native application. Least expensive of the 3 possibilities.

We have developed many mobile applications that serve the needs of our customers in the best ways possible. Tell us about the user needs that your application must meet, and we’ll help you make the optimum choice of technologies to consider. Discover our mobile developers spread between Madagascar, Mauritius and Vietnam.

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